books save lives

Books save lives.

This may sound a bit dramatic… but let’s think about it…

Information, education, research, and other people’s stories and words can actually lead to shifts in consciousness, boundaries, skills, and information that can save a life.
Save a relationship.
Inspire healing.
Ignite a passion.
Challenge toxic beliefs.
Tear down systems that uphold oppressive beliefs and behaviors.
Build up a positive and empowered container of wisdom.

What books have set you free?
Settled your soul?
Opened your mind?
Told the truth?
Created more questions?
Held a story that helped you feel less alone?
Provided qualitative or quantitative research that validated something to be real?

I started reading books that set me free in college.
I found authors that said things my soul felt and my brain knew but never knew how to say it or that others were saying it out-loud.
These are the books I’ll never forget.

I’m mostly speaking of non-fiction spiritual/self exploration/faith/health/wellness/social psychology books.

We could talk fiction, poetry, and sacred text books another day… because those can be just as relevant to a healing and wholehearted journey too.

Ok back on topic…

Here are a few books that have been key for me on my journey and a human and therapist…

✨The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel van der Kolk
✨A Hidden Wholeness- Parker Palmer
✨The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown
✨Daring Greatly- Brene Brown
✨Rising Strong- Brene Brown
✨Dare To Lead- Brene Brown
✨Braving The Wilderness- Brene Brown
✨Wholeheartedness- Chuck DeGroat
✨Burnout- Emily & Amelia Nagoski
✨Anatomy of the Soul- Dr. Curt Thompson

💫The Body Is Not An Apology- Sonja Renee Taylor
💫Anam Cara- John O’Donohue
💫Falling Upward- Richard Rohr
💫My Grandmothers Hands - Resmaa Menakem
💫The Naked Now- Richard Rohr
💫The Artists Way- Julia Cameron
💫Set Boundaries, Find Peace- Nedra Glover Tawwab
💫Come As You Are - Emily Nagoski
💫Self Compassion- Kristin Kneff
💫All About Love- Bell Hooks

These books have been important guides, companions, and supports on my own journey and I hope these and others are the same to you.


vulnerability & uncertainty


Burn Out: the art of burning and restoring